1. What to Look for When Evaluating Middleware for Integration

  • 미들웨어를 살 때, 어떤 걸 확인하면 되는지 목록을 만들어 놓았다.
  • 목록
    • Integration complexity and modularity
    • memory management
    • mass storage I/O access
    • logging
    • source code availability
    • quality of source code
    • platform portability
    • licensing requirements
    • cost

2. The Game Asset Pipeline


3. Volumetric Representation of Virtual Environments


5. Environment Sound Culling


  • sound grid를 사용한 culling

10. Camera Centric Engine Design for Multithreaded Rendering


20. A Deferred Decal Rendering Technique

23. Dynamic Code Execution Hierarchies


  • code execution hierarchies
  • 실행 시점에 동적으로 트리를 구축.
  • tree traversal로 실행.
  • 코드로 실행 흐름을 파악하기 힘들고 디버깅이 어려운 단점이 있다.
  • 요즘 유행인 모듈 그래프 구현에 잘 맞아떨어지겠다.
    • shader, animation 그래프 에디터에 쓰는 그 모듈 그래프
  • http://cafe.naver.com/shader/1357

24. Key-Value Dictionary



Part I — Game Engine Design

    1. High-Level Pathfinding
    1. A GUI Framework and Presentation Layer
    1. World’s Best Palettizer
    1. 3D Stereoscopic Rendering: An Overview of Implementation Issues
    1. A Multithreaded 3D Renderer
    1. A GPU Managed Memory Pool
    1. Precomputed 3D Velocity Field for Simulating Fluid Dynamics
    1. Mesh Partitioning for Fun and Profit
    1. Moments of Inertia for Common Shapes

Part II — Rendering Techniques

    1. Physically-Based Outdoor Scene Lighting
    1. Rendering Physically-Based Skyboxes
    1. Motion Blur and the Velocity-Depth-Gradient Buffer
    1. Fast Screen-space Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting
    1. Real-Time Character Dismemberment

Part III — Programming Methods

    1. Multithreaded Object Models
    1. Holistic Task Parallelism for Common Game Architecture Patterns
    1. A Basic Scheduler
    1. The Game State Observer Pattern
    1. Fast Trigonometric Operations Using CORDIC Methods
    1. Inter-Process Communication Based on Your Own RPC Subsystem